This week some of our colleagues were in attendance at the 26th Annual MARS Conference in Barcelona. The conference returned this year as an in–person event following a few years of virtual meetings.
Organised jointly by the Joint Research Centre of the EC, the Spanish Paying agency and the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of Catalonia, the MARS Conference brings together the community of technical experts in the field of administration and control of the area–based subsidy schemes.
The conference covers the technologies, methods and protocols that bring effectiveness and efficiency to the different area–based subsidy schemes. This year’s agenda focused on several different topics, including:
- The state of Copernicus–based technology
- The CAP new delivery and management model
- Introducing performance towards Environmental and Climate targets
- Using new technologies
- The land ahead: information on the management of land
As well as attending the conference, our colleague Chris Collins also delivered a presentation on the final day. His presentation was titled ‘The use of aerial imagery and a high–resolution DSM to predict the location of hedgerow features in and around Ireland’s LPIS parcels’.
Our colleagues thoroughly enjoyed their time in Barcelona and, in particular, the chance to meet and discuss their experiences with other area–based subsidy scheme community members.