Mallon Technology



Celebrating World Space Week

Join us from October 3rd as we celebrate everything space related during World Space Week and take part in our first ever webinar, to learn all about the benefits of satellite imagery.

What is World Space Week?

World Space Week is an international celebration observed around the world between 4–10 October. In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly declared World Space Week as annual celebration, with the dates chosen in recognition of two important moments in space history:

  • The launch of the first human–made satellite, Sputnik 1, October 4, 1957
  • The signing of the Outer Space Treaty, governing the activities of states in the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space, October 10, 1967

This year, as well as joining in the World Space Week celebrations, Mallon Technology will also be participating in the parallel Space Week Ireland celebrations. Both sets of celebrations provide a series of events that not only help celebrate space and space technologies but which also educate and change our understanding of life on Earth and our place in the wider universe.

Mallon Technology & Space

Mallon Technology have been at the forefront of the downstream space enabled industry in the UK and Ireland for a number of years, providing Earth Observation services that gives a detailed picture of what is really happening in the world. We specialise in the handling and processing of satellite imagery and remote sensing data from earth observation satellites which help us monitor and protect our environment, manage resources, respond to disasters and enable sustainable development.

Recent innovations in new technologies have helped to drive down costs and increase access to information generated from satellites. Such data has the potential to benefit almost any business and we are equipped to help any organisation, source, handle, process and analyse any satellite based imagery.

Getting Started With Sentinel–2 Webinar

Following up our expertise in all things satellites has enabled us to host our first ever webinar, Getting Started with Sentinel–2, as part of World Space Week. Taking place on Wednesday 5th October at 14.30 (BST), the webinar will explore the use of data captured from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel–2 satellite.

Hosted by two of our own Remote Sensing experts, the webinar aims to enable those who depend on the visualisation of geospatial data, to gain a greater understanding of the availability of Sentinel–2 data, its applications and how you can utilise it. If you would like to get involved with our Webinar as part of the Space Week celebrations, then make sure to secure your place by Registering now.