Mallon Technology



Mallon Technology Announce Partnership with What3Words

Mallon Technology is delighted to be able to announce our official partnership with what3words, and the integration of their API within Azimap.

The partnership was launched yesterday at the AGI–NI annual conference, during a presentation delivered by Tim Williams the what3words Commercial Director. What3words is a location reference system based on a global grid of 57 trillion 3m x 3m squares in which each square has a pre–assigned, fixed and unique 3 word address. More accurate than a postcode, easier to remember and share than coordinates, what3words is helping to improve addressing for the 4 billion people across the globe who are unable to get deliveries or receive aid and unable to exercise their rights as citizens.

Following the integration with Azimap, users are now able to search for a location using 3 word addresses and display them for any key points of interest or discover the precise what3words address for any location in the world. For example the 3 word address for the Mallon Technology Head Office in Cookstown is standing.flick.bagels. The integration with Azimap will enable users to simply and efficiently communicate any specific location to the world.

As well as the integration with Azimap, what3words technology will also be available for use as part of the mapping functionality of Diamond Fire Web. This enables premises information to be managed through a map based interface and with the what3words integration, now allows clients to provide a 3 word address for their premises or for Fire Authorities to search for a premises using a 3 word address. By utilising the what3words technology Fire Authorities are able to drastically speed up searches for premises and simply the communication of various locations within departments.

If you are interested in learning more about the integration of what3words within either Azimap or Diamond Fire Web, please do get in touch with us via the contact us page on our website.