Mallon Technology



IRLOGI Delegates Help to Raise MapAction Funds

Last Friday saw the 20th annual GIS Ireland conference to be hosted by IRLOGI. Mallon Technology was in attendance at the conference where we were demonstrating our GIS expertise, products and services on our exhibition stand.

This year the conference took a look towards the future of GI as both IRLOGI and Mallon Technology celebrated 20th anniversaries. The conference was a tremendous success with a large number of delegates in attendance throughout the day, enjoying the full range of talks available and the chance to catch up with their peers within the industry. The day was eventually rounded off by Geobeers in the conference bar which was jointly hosted by Mallon Technology as a chance to celebrate 20 successful years in the GI industry. Mallon Technology would like to thank all those who stayed on after the conference to attend Geobeers, we hope you had as much as we did and would agree with us that it was the perfect way to start the weekend!

As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations Mallon Technology is aiming to raise money for our nominated charity MapAction and at this year’s conference we hosted a find the prize map game. Our prize, a bottle of whiskey, was hidden in a map of Dublin with delegates paying to guess the coordinates of the missing bottle. The game was a huge draw and we would like to thank everyone who visited our stand and the generosity of all those who participated and who helped us to raise a fantastic €80. Congratulations to Claire Byrne who successfully located the missing bottle, we hope you enjoy your bottle of whiskey!